Sunday, April 11, 2010


pretty much...this weekend was insane.

lets start with the bad stuff, so i can get to the best part..

almost getting killed on the tollway. my car got stuck on cruise control going 65 mph, and i was exiting and went on a bridge, with a pretty sharp turn. i seriously thought my car was going to flip, my brakes wouldn't work and i was so scared. i'm so thankful that i was able to control my was horrible.

k. so thats the bad "stuff"

had girl time w. michelle & lulu, ex-co-workers. talked about michelle's wedding plans, lulu's plans, and my mess :) haha. had starbucks, mi cocina for lunch, and walked around the shops at legacy. it was a blast! i really like plano.

after that, went to target to buy some shampoo and stuff... came home, cleaned my room & headed over to my sisters for the rest of the weekend. had chicken n rice for din, played with baby Ethan, and talked with my sisters. bro in law & another fam. member went to watch the implosion of the Irving Stadium, while i watched it with baby Ethan. then went to church and stuff :) had a grand ol time. watched ratatouille with the boyfriend. i love that movie.

as for this week, the boyfriend has his interview tomorrow and i'm seriously praying he gets the job.

hopefully i get the job teaching at the cfbisd elementary school, part time. praying that i hear from them as well.

i really loved church today. we read john 20:15, and sang some pretty good songs.

"You Shine"

Why should I feel mad,
When You made the heavens?
Why should I be afraid,
When You put the stars in place?
Why should I lose heart,
When I know how great you are?
Why should I give up,
When Your plans are full of love?

In this world we will have trouble,
But You have overcome the world!
You Shine,
Brighter than the brightest star!
Your Love,
Purer than the purest heart!
You Shine,
Filling us with courage and strength
To follow You!

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