Monday, March 29, 2010


tolerance leads to compassion, Christ like compassion. loving those who have hurt you, wronged you, or have no knowledge of you. affection, not anger. respect, not ridicule. correction, not condemnation.

look for an opportunity to serve. here are a few examples of my favorite things to do:
-open the door, easy and common. yet somehow many people over look holding the door for someone.
-putting up someones grocery cart, i do this every time i go to the grocery store. people love it, especially when its cold or windy.
-picking up the baby's bottle, or sippy cup. you're in line at blockbuster, the lady in front of you has a 10 month old, who drops their cup. pick it up, you're helping her out more than you know.

other ways to serve:

avoid complaining when asked to contribute, learn more about someone's job, notice things that need to get done, on your own.
and then of course, there's volunteer work, help out with a sunday school class, or you could go to a website such as and find something that interests you! Joyce Meyer has a really great, what I'd like to call "positive reinforcement" program. You make a donation and you get a reward as well! Or, a personal favorite of mine Tom's Shoes every pair that you buy gives a child in need a brand new pair of shoes as well.

Take the talents that Heavenly Father has blessed you with, and use them to shine the light of Christ in others.

you're a really good cook. you have a friend who is going through some work related issues. cook her dinner for her and her family, she will appreciate the meal, and be able to relax by not having to worry about the mess. Please note: I've done this a few times, just make sure you check for allergies.......

Love pets? find someone in your church, elderly or sick (my fav people to take care of), and offer to take care of their little critters. You'll make an impact on the person you're helping and you'll get to make a new friend :)

green thumb? plant a garden for someone, who knows, with your Christlike compassion you may plant another seed :)

There are so many things you can do to serve those around you, turn to the Savior for a wonderful example. These are just my silly ideas that I enjoy doing for other people.

if you are in the service of your neighbor, you're in the service of God.


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