Wednesday, March 24, 2010

in your eyes.

to vent:
10 things that really bother me:

10. inconsiderate people
9. bringing up the past
8. apologizing, w/o knowing what you're apologizing for
7. a lack of effort
6. lack of prioritizing things correctly
5. being manipulated
4. pushy people
3. snooty booties
2. overly dramatic people
1. down playing a serious situation


so yeahh.

i've been exposing myself to people with cystic fibrosis, more lately. which is causing diverse emotions. i either feel bad for them, or feel guilty for being as healthy as i have been. i guess thats normal.

other than that, i'm just trying to get things in order. my chest has been hurting so much between yesterday & today. i hope its just allergy related.

oh boy. time for bed.

God is good, all the time.

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