here's a quick run-down:
got home from work around 12:15 a.m., went to sleep around 2, woke up at 7:30, early for work @ the bank, ate chicken n rice, took a nap, woke up for work around 5:25, ate sonic, then went to work until 12:15, again.
why's that so interesting?
50% sleeping
50% working
productive, huh?
i've been trying my hardest to focus on school, but for some reason this semester isn't happening for me. Its so tedious and uninteresting...which is a first for me because usually i'm so involved with school. I hope its different next semester, I know it will be. i'll regret slacking off, but as of right now i'm just tired of trying to be the perfect daughter, employee, student, girlfriend, church member, and all the other roles i strive to fill.
I had a pretty good conversation with a couple of co workers today, at both places of employment.
convo # 1: what are your pet peeves & why?
mine: (even though i'm guilty) cussing & dishonesty.
because cussing is usually unnecessary, it takes away from the intelligence of a person, and offends the spirit. my goal this week: not to cuss. :) i will do it. i just barely started cussing, so i better stop it before it gets worse! dishonesty- it has a domino effect, one thing leads to another & so forth. pretty soon you're in so deep you don't even know the truth
convo #2: a brief overview of the sincerity of mankind.
most people i meet are sincere people. they express genuine interests in whatever the topic/activity is. they are honest & willing to help another person. however, there are the exceptions. Like the lady at the bowling alley, who chunked her ball to the ground exclaiming that it was too heavy and we should know better, uhmm okkkk ma'am i'm sorry about that. i don't know your muscle mass, or personal preference unless you inform me. Then there are the people at the bank, ohhh the people at the bank! Some customers get so angry, i've had money thrown at me, i've had customers call me all kinds of names. I think its ridiculous to go somewhere and treat people disrespectfully because of an error. Hello, I am human, I make mistakes, so are you. It happens. Every now and then, I come across wonderful people, who seem to be a rare kind, but if you open your eyes and see the good in all of God's children, you'll realize its not that rare. Like a few people I encountered at work, so nice, sincerely thanking me, genuinely expressing an interest in how my day is going, and simple things like that. A smile or a thank you sure does go a long way after working 12 hours on 4 hours of sleep :)
tomorrow is my fund raising dinner at church. I hope it goes well!

convo #2: a brief overview of the sincerity of mankind.
most people i meet are sincere people. they express genuine interests in whatever the topic/activity is. they are honest & willing to help another person. however, there are the exceptions. Like the lady at the bowling alley, who chunked her ball to the ground exclaiming that it was too heavy and we should know better, uhmm okkkk ma'am i'm sorry about that. i don't know your muscle mass, or personal preference unless you inform me. Then there are the people at the bank, ohhh the people at the bank! Some customers get so angry, i've had money thrown at me, i've had customers call me all kinds of names. I think its ridiculous to go somewhere and treat people disrespectfully because of an error. Hello, I am human, I make mistakes, so are you. It happens. Every now and then, I come across wonderful people, who seem to be a rare kind, but if you open your eyes and see the good in all of God's children, you'll realize its not that rare. Like a few people I encountered at work, so nice, sincerely thanking me, genuinely expressing an interest in how my day is going, and simple things like that. A smile or a thank you sure does go a long way after working 12 hours on 4 hours of sleep :)
tomorrow is my fund raising dinner at church. I hope it goes well!
Ecclesiastes 5:19
"As for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and given him power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor—this is the gift of God. For he will not dwell unduly on the days of his life, because God keeps him busy with the joy of his heart."
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